05 Nov 2012
Rubyconf / Rubygems Hackfest
by cmeik
If you followed the twitter feed for Rubyconf this past week, you probably noticed that this years conference was the host of the first, of hopefully many more, hackfests. The hackfest started at 6:30 PM, after Matz’s chat with Evan wrapped up, and went until almost 11:00 PM, when we had scheduled to wrap up around 8:30.
I am personally blown away by the amazing turnout we had, and especially floored that in addition to commenting and closing many issues which were no longer valid, almost every single attendee of the hackfest opened a pull request to fix either an outstanding bug, or add a new feature.
Some photos from the event:
I’m still in the process of working through the open pull requests and issues which need further commenting, but I wanted to provide some of the highlights, and welcome some of the soon-to-be committers.
Please let me know if I missed you, or something you worked on in the list. It was amazing to see developers of all kinds, from companies such as Yardstick, New Relic and Bluebox step up to assist in helping build and maintain a community resource.
- Block gems that are yanked from being queried through the API
- Requires gem names to have at least one alpha character
- Gem name restrictions might be wrong
Jared McFarland and Tim Knowlton
- Issue #438
- Fixes tests: resets current directory in gemcutter After block.
- Testing race condition
- Fixes download test for count/day over month boundary.
- Tests fail on the first of the month
- Replace memcached with dalli
- Add test for bad characters in description/summary
- Strange characters in description causes gem push to blow up
- Returns 404 on /api/v1/gems#show for unknown gem with all formats types
- 404 or 406 returned depending on format